Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia
Promote, Protect, and Preserve The Memory of our Pilgrim Ancestors
Many Americans and Canadians can claim descent from a Mayflower passenger. If you have documentation that shows that you may be descended from a passenger on the Mayflower voyage of 1620, you may be eligible to join the Society. The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia welcomes applicants who live in or have ties to the Greater Washington, DC region. If you are interested in applying, please contact Historian Glenn Williams
If you have researched your line and are reasonably confident that you can prove your descent from a Mayflower passenger with a recognized line, please open, download, and complete our
The form should include your direct family line back to one of 51 Mayflower passengers (see Table below). While you do not need to send supporting documents with the Preliminary Review Form, you may send any previously approved Mayflower applications that support your line. We will review your form and provide instructions on how to proceed.
There are many organizations and companies that offer products that will give you a great looking certificate or chart stating that your ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, but please be aware that they cannot confer membership in The General Society of Mayflower Descendants or the State Mayflower Societies.
If you are interested in joining The Mayflower Society, we are here to provide assistance and advice as you assemble your documentation. While it can be a lengthy process, we can help you determine if a previously approved application can be used in support of your own application. We can also offer advice as to whether you should seek the assistance of a professional genealogist.
There were 102 passengers aboard the Mayflower, including 50 men, 20 women and 32 children. Any person able to document their descent from one or more of the following 51 Mayflower Pilgrims is eligible to apply for membership in the Mayflower Society:
John Alden Francis Cooke Priscilla Mullins
Bartholomew Allerton John Cooke William Mullins
Isaac Allerton Edward Doty Degory Priest
Mary (Norris) Allerton Francis Eaton Joseph Rogers
Mary Allerton Samuel Eaton Thomas Rogers
Remember Allerton Sarah Eaton Henry Samson
Elinor Billington Moses Fletcher George Soule
Francis Billington Edward Fuller Myles Standish
John Billington Mrs. Edward Fuller Elizabeth Tilley
William Bradford Peter Browne John Tilley
Love Brewster James Chilton Joan (Hurst) Tilley
Mary Brewster Mrs. James Chilton Richard Warren
William Brewster Mary Chilton Peregrine White
Wrestling Brewster Giles Hopkins Resolved White
Peter Browne Stephen Hopkins Susanna White
James Chilton John Howland William White
Mrs. James Chilton Richard More Edward Winslow
Mary Chilton
There are many online resources that can help you with your research. The GSMD recommends the following sites: